Dialoghi di vita quotidiana


24 € 31 € Buy now
Dialoghi di vita quotidiana

About Course

Listen and read these dialogues to improve your pronunciation and understanding of Italian!

For beginner and intermediate students of Italian.


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Course content

videoBenvenuti! Start
videoScegli tu! Start
videoSaluti formali e informali Start
videoPronuncia Start
videoAudio Start
videoLessico Start
videoTesto originale Start
videoSaluti informali Start
videoPronuncia Start
videoAudio Start
videoLessico Start
videoTesto originale Start
videoPresentazioni formali Start
videoPronuncia Start
videoAudio Start
videoLessico Start
videoTesto originale Start
videoIncontri e nuove conoscenze Start
videoPronuncia Start
videoAudio Start
videoLessico Start
videoTesto originale Start
videoL'ora Start
videoPronuncia Start
videoAudio Start
videoLessico Start
videoTesto originale Start
videoChiedere un piacere Start
videoPronuncia Start
videoAudio Start
videoLessico Start
videoTesto originale Start
videoCattiva ricezione Start
videoPronuncia Start
videoAudio Start
videoLessico Start
videoTesto originale Start
videoCoincidenze Start
videoPronuncia Start
videoAudio Start
videoLessico Start
videoTesto originale Start
videoIl meteo Start
videoPronuncia Start
videoAudio Start
videoLessico Start
videoTesto originale Start


Teacher of Italian, Owner of Arkos Academy

Course Instructor

Foreign languages and book lover, Susanna has been teaching online Italian to foreigners since 2014.

Graduated with honors in Languages and Translation, over the years she has learned English, French, Spanish and Russian.

She decided to found Arkos Academy to help foreign students fall in love with her mother tongue with private lessons, podcasts and ACCADEMIA.